Longevity Training

Longevity Training

What is Longevity Training?

Are you constantly tired? Do you try to exercise and eat well, yet see no results? Could you use better, longer sleep? And more energy to do what you love? Are you overwhelmed by all you have to do and so little time?

Each of these problems has one simple solution: Longevity Training. This first-of-its kind program takes an equal approach to how we treat our bodies, how we train our minds and what lifestyles we choose. Together, they make our best selves possible.

Modern medicine has helped us lived longer on average, but not necessarily better. Longevity Training picks up where they left off by preventing what are known as “lifestyle” illnesses, so we can feel fantastic and look our best.

Drawing on timeless principles of Eastern medicine, the latest nutrition research science has to offer, proven exercise routines and Positive Psychology Coaching, Longevity Training is more than personal training. It’s a holistic overhaul based on peer reviewed science to ensure you can live longer, grow stronger and see your best self every time you look in the mirror. 

The Longevity Training Program

Our trademark Longevity Training program is an eight week, one-on-one, personal coaching program including both physical training sessions and lifestyle coaching.

Before we get going, you’ll be taken through a comprehensive assessment to help us set goals and provide a benchmark. This will include both a physical assessment of things such as strength, flexibility and posture, as well as a PERMA assessment which provides an indication of overall wellbeing.

The program includes one 1.5 hour session each week. Of this, 45minutes will be physical training incorporating strength training, yoga, mobility and deep ‘yin yoga’ stretching. The remainder of the time will be spent working through the other components of wellbeing, with a different focus each week.

Takeaways from each session will include a nutrition guide, daily practices and techniques to put in place and accountability measures.

Enquire now to find out more about our Longevity Training Program

Contact Us - Longevity Training

Live well, live fully.

Get inspired, build great habits and make it work for you.

25 Mar, 2021
I write this as we in Melbourne, Australia have entered stage 4 lockdown. One of the 4 reasons cited to leave our homes is for exercise, this is evidence enough that governments recognise the importance of physical activity around our mental well-being. Exercise can enhance well-being in a number of ways, increased vigour, decreased rate of fatigue, positive mood alteration and lowering frustration and anger levels.
25 Mar, 2021
It's never been so important to maintain our health as it is at the moment. Even though we are confined indoors with no access to gym, yoga classes, etc, there is plenty we can do to maintain our wellness and maintain immune function.
By Seth Khouri 25 Mar, 2021
Nutrition and the food we put in our bodies are a powerful defence against colds, viruses and maintaining wellness. Just remember there is no one stop shop to improving our health. Yes smoothies are fantastic but we must watch what we put into our bodies, get the right amount and sort of exercise and look after our mental health.
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