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Wellness in Difficult Times

Mar 25, 2021

There’s no need to go over what we are going through, confronted with challenging time for our physical, mental and emotional health.

It's never been so important to maintain our health as it is at the moment. Even though we are confined indoors with no access to gym, yoga classes, etc, there is plenty we can do to maintain our wellness and maintain immune function.

These can include:

  • Movement, even simply walking can help maintain fitness levels and improve cardiovascular health.
  • Home workouts give that bandwidth a bash and follow along to all sorts of exercise/yoga/dance classes, you name it. In fact, I will be doing a simple yoga and strength class where all you need is a towel and some space! 
  • Nutritious food-previously cooking hasn't been my specialty but with all this time on my hands I have been able to make some new recipes full of fresh ingredients. Not only does this help us stay physically on top of our health but it can also impact favourably on our mental health also. More of this next month with a special on maintaining our mental health using the SUPPORT ME program. Let’s have a look at the first one now:
  • Support Network - Every study on mental health has shown this to be VITAL in maintaining mental health, so get on the phone, Zoom, Facetime, Skype, whatever it takes and stay in contact with loved ones and friends. Or even just enquire after a neighbour, smile at a stranger. Can we use this time to emerge with a changed outlook and attitude to our total well-being?

25 Mar, 2021
I write this as we in Melbourne, Australia have entered stage 4 lockdown. One of the 4 reasons cited to leave our homes is for exercise, this is evidence enough that governments recognise the importance of physical activity around our mental well-being. Exercise can enhance well-being in a number of ways, increased vigour, decreased rate of fatigue, positive mood alteration and lowering frustration and anger levels.
By Seth Khouri 25 Mar, 2021
Nutrition and the food we put in our bodies are a powerful defence against colds, viruses and maintaining wellness. Just remember there is no one stop shop to improving our health. Yes smoothies are fantastic but we must watch what we put into our bodies, get the right amount and sort of exercise and look after our mental health.
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